Clifton Mining Company (CFTN.PK) is a natural resource company focused on production of precious metals. Based in Alpine, Utah it was founded in 1993. Clifton Mining Company's property contains both patented and lode claims, and the company has a 250 tons/day production mill facility. It has a joint venture property located at Utah-Nevada border with an area of 33 square mile. Its resource base are mainly confined to Clifton Shear Zones, Mineral Deposits, Skarn Deposits, Bedded Replacement Deposits and Porphyry Deposits. The company's major products include silver, gold and lead. Some of its exploration sites show copper or copper molybdenum and tungsten deposits.
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The Clifton Mining District, the site of the first mill in Utah, was discovered and mined from the 1860s until the early 1900s. The mines could contain as much as a billion ounces of silver.
Clifton Property Management Video
The veins and deposits
The veins are a rich source of silver, lead and gold. The Shear Veins are unique in the fact that they come right to the surface. This vein structure is visible for distances of up to 6,000 ft. Approximately 100 mine workings penetrate the shear veins and give access into the veins for distances of over 400 ft. The old workings are located on all sides of the Shear Vein property at varying elevations, enabling the company to show consistent silver, gold, and lead values throughout the shear vein system
Two additional types of mineral deposits have been discovered within Clifton Mining's property boundaries, and there is strong evidence of a third. They are skarn deposits, bedded replacement deposits, and the probable third is a porphyry deposit.
Skarn deposits system is a two-mile-long system with numerous surface exposures. Historical records in the area report some gold values associated with these skarns to be in the multiple-ounce gold category. Copper, which is also associated with the Clifton skarns, can exceed 10%. Samples taken within Clifton Mining's skarn system have values in excess of 0.3 oz./ton gold. Further drill work and sampling will be necessary to delineate exact boundaries and tonnage potentials, however it is currently estimated that Clifton's skarn system may hold as much mineral value potential as the Shear Zones.
Clifton Mining has already discovered and assayed numerous Bedded replacement deposits within the Clifton claim block. The assay values associated with these deposits have typically been very high-grade. Assay work completed on the surface and within accessible mine workings, shows value ranges from 0.014 to 0.50 oz./ton gold, 8.0 to 50.0 oz./ton silver, 1 to 30% copper (Monocco bedding), and lead values from 7 to 34%. Current information shows average values within the bedded replacement deposits of approximately 0.04 oz./ton gold, 12 oz./ton silver, and 10% lead. The Clifton Cabin bedding, which was core drilled (see announcement 11/3/97), showed average values of 28.11 oz/ton silver, 17.6% lead, and 0.013 oz/ton gold.
There is also a strong evidence that a large mineralized porphyry system intrudes the property from the east side, holding promise for a large deep-seated copper or copper molybdenum deposit. It is expected that this porphyry deposit will be similar to the Ruth (Robinson) deposit, located only 70 miles south of Clifton Mining's property. The Ruth deposit has produced 320 million tons of ore to date, including 2.7 million tons of copper and 90 tons of gold.

Alvarado and Lucky Jim mines
Clifton Mining Company has received on August 7, 2012, its final permits from the Utah Department of Oil, Gas and Mining to place its wholly owned Alvarado Mine into production. The management of Clifton is continuing work in two areas, the Lucky Jim and the Alvarado. Both have been high-grade gold mines.
Source of the article : Wikipedia